He Is the Bridge (His free Deed All-Loving and Good), No bridge could be found Between the Two Trees That separate in Paradise stood. And our crossing to the Life Tree can now be begun. 1/30/10 Life Once More In Gold Slowly there came in the course of time Harvests that were only of straw, And in our despair we hungered then For the life that had been there before. But our future potential was then to us told; You’ll hunger no more if you spin straw into gold. 10/30/09 Love Finds Itself in the Free Other Evolution poured out made the stage For the great world drama where we find The author plays in it so in freedom might unfold A being quite different in kind. And then the One Who is the play’s Author Will experience His Love in the free being of the other. 10/30/09 |
To Him Who Overcomes... (Revelation 2:7,11,17,27-28; 3:5,12; 21:7) What are the promises made to me If I like Him should overcome? Here you will find them as in Revelation written As they follow each other one by one. You shall eat from the Tree of Life and be Ever and always partaking of Me. No harm from your second death will you suffer For then will you and I Am be together. I will give you the manna and the white stone That bears the name by you only known. I’ll make you the shepherd of all near and far And also I’ll give you the Morning Star. And your name in the Great Book of Life shall be written And by Me before God Father it shall be spoken. And of the Father’s Temple you shall be a Pillar With my Father’s and My Name inscribed on forever. And finally shall you sit on the throne with Me For you will have won Spirit Victory. And our God as the Father of you His new Son Is truly in deed what you will have won. My promises all to all I shall keep And be fulfilled for everyone Who takes the Path that on Earth I took The Path that led Me to overcome. 11/5/09 |
Saturday, June 28, 2014
He Is the Bridge
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Saturday, June 21, 2014
Wings From the Purified Heart
Wings From the Purified Heart
I formed for myself a chrysalis
Which every day I entered in,But just for a while with there the intent Of using then leaving Original Sin. The forming of wings for my hoped-for-flight, But I who had grown so tired of earth crawling Who there in the dark was striving for light, Wing-forming comes only from a purified heart. 10/7/11 If Only Escape from its obsession With the Good Friday Body of Christ To the One of His Resurrection, It wouldn’t be sending now into space The cleverest technology of every kind, It could be sending out light like a sun From its resurrection mind. Leading while serving humanity. |
What’s Found in Soul-Gold To the Great Gold Miner in the sky, Who washes all souls in the Water of Life Hoping flecks of soul-gold to descry. Of the dark mountains of souls He ever must wash. Gives Him immeasurable pleasure, For it means that His Son on Earth was found, The Son now united with these souls forever. There’s a New One beginning in these flecks of soul-gold. Going Home with My Compassionate Father Which I’ve consciously undertaken, And for a while the light’s grown very dim And both my faith and knowledge are shaken, Who once had great heavenly wealth, Who squandered it all and later in a pigstye He came at last to an awakened self. Not even heaven could give to him, And to gain it he had to be pushed out of the Garden And lead many hard lives in Original Sin. With compassion as He did for the Prodigal Son. 8/9/13 |
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Saturday, June 14, 2014
From Depth to Surface
From Depth to Surface The great exchange that has taken place Is now quite easy to see; Brilliant we’ve become with the surface of things But depth has disappeared completely. Long ago we still felt the depth that was there And before that we were unconscious within it, But with intellect ascendent our brilliant selves Onto the depthless can only now fit. The intellect with instruments may all cut and sever, But with surface it’s confronted always and ever. 10/1/09 Free To Choose World creation’s direction and purpose Was to bring one species to the state Where it could achieve its freedom then receive The power to purpose self-fate. (That freedom can be realized in that which he chooses Or lost to the One who his freedom opposes.) 10/9/09 |
Nothing To Be Left Unfree The purpose and direction of the future Will be given over to man Once he’s achieved his uniqueness in freedom And can stand before the future as its beginning I am. But he must enter into the unfreedom Of that which he’s helped to become, For freedom’s realization in unfreedom begins And only therein is it finally won. This realization of freedom for man must be Such that nothing of prior purpose is left unfree. 10/9/09 Incomplete Views The divine is the source of the glorious world That fills us with joy and awe, And also divine is our thinking By which We understand it all. But different are other's world opinions That arouses awe in them, too; They say what’s created Created itself And the thinking about it we do. So down from Divinity all comes for some, And up from below others say it’s self-spun. 10/10/09 |
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