“Follow Me” “Follow me,”says the cold, brilliant Great Being, “To the stars and to my New World Day And you’ll live there immortal in bodies that are Made of earth matter that will never decay. “And you’ll be there and serve me with powers divine That were to be yours but I’ve made into mine.” “Follow me,” Christ on Earth to His Disciples said “And leave Earth for just a while behind, And come to the stars and to the Great Beings Who inside of the Stars you will find Ready to lead you to where immortal you’ll be A Being among Beings Who has made himself free.” 8/10/14 The One to Be Found My higher self, the heavenly one, Has sent me on a mission To the Earth, where I am there to wake up And become the great Truth of the Earth condition. So to Earth I came to experience illness and pain And lies and deceit and betrayal, And loss of others I loved very much And experience despair and the great urge for withdrawal, But I stayed and became here where it could only be That I’ve now become One with the One who sent me. 8/7/14 Knowing the Sheaths The world of the senses arouses In the soul the world of sensations, And they like a sheath surround the “I” In feeling and thought permutations. But very different it is with the “I,” For it when awaking can become Itself a sheath for the eternal Truth, A spirit revelation inpouring with the Light of the Sun. The sheaths of the ego will in time pass away, But what the ego ensheaths will grow and stay. 7/30/14 |
From Soul to Free Spirit Truth and Goodness are Spirit Mother and Father Of the ego in the consciousness soul, Where it at the right time yields itself up to The Spirit that flows in as into a sheath with the goal Of forming and living the I with such spirit wealth That from out of soul life comes the free Spirit-Self. 7/29/14 The Power Is Love Freedom is the Ego’s true nature, But it begins by being enslaved To so much that it loves but which makes it unfree And so from itself must be saved. But how then is this brought to be? What Power turns the Ego around? Turns it from sense- addictive dependence Through withdrawal and pain until true freedom is found? It’s only on Earth we can here wake and find That that Power is Christ’s Love now in the hearts of mankind. 7/8/14 And the Son to the Father Prayed... (John 17:5) "Let me be revealed in that Light That shone brightly around me when In your presence I stood, Holy Father, Before the world was created for evolving free men. And I will reveal You to all who come From You to me so it’s heartfelt and true In them who believe and who now can be In me as I Am now as One in you. But not for all mankind is this yet to be, Only individuals who are now striving to make themselves free." 6/24/14 |
Saturday, August 16, 2014
"Follow Me."
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3:00 AM
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