Rembrandt - The Father Embraces the Prodigal Son
The Free Prodigal Son Comes Home
There once was a father who had two sons And the younger came to him one day And asked from his father his inheritance Saying, “Into the world I must now find my way.” His father gave to him his inheritance And the son into the world then went, And quickly fell into much riotous living Until his inheritance was all spent. And a famine then came to that land And in very great need was he, Until he was given the lowly work Of feeding some pigs in a "piggery." But then came that most glorious moment When at last to himself he came, And said he, “I have sinned and must return home And be there a servant in my father’s domain.” He saw his father toward him coming, Who greeted him with joy and with love: His young prodigal son now returning. And at home he was dressed in finest robes And a special ring upon his finger was placed, And shod was he in the very best shoes For the son was now in his rightful place. |
“Bring the fatted calf and kill it,” The joyous father to his servants said, “My son was lost but is now found again; He’s alive, he’s returned from the dead.” Then great was the joy and celebration Sounding through that kingdom so great, And from afar the elder son heard it And enquired of a servant why the loud, happy state. “Your brother’s come home safe and sound,” said the servant, “And for him the fatted calf’s been slain.” Then the older son refused to celebrate And very angry indeed he became. And his father came to him and begged him to join In the festivities for his lost-and-found brother, Who had been dead and was alive again now And had freely come home that the three be together. But the elder son to his father replied, “I stayed home while he wandered at will And wasted with harlots his inheritance, And never for me did you a fatted calf kill.” Then the Father said, |
“Dear son, in future all will be yours that’s now mine,
But come now, rejoice now, it’s your brother’s moment divine.”