(Second Grade and Fables) Stubborness Two goats met at a chasm Each on the different side, And each began to cross over on the tree trunk That bridged that chasm wide. Alas the trunk was narrow And no passing could there be, So stubbornly they butted each other until Both fell to die most miserably. (Second Grade and Fables)
The Very Observant Fox
Hungry was the Old King Lion
For the taste of our friend fox.
“Come dear fox and pay a visit,”
Called he from his cave in the rocks.
But friend fox he never rushed in
To any place without great care;
He now saw footprints that went into
But none that came out from the lion’s lair.
“Thank you for your most kind offer but
I’ll not visit you today.”
This the fox said then safely went home -
What he’d observed saved his life that day.
(Third Grade and Old Testament Studies.) The Paradise Song (Sung to “O’ Tannenbaum”) There was a tree in Paradise And on it grew an apple. The Lord commanded Adam be Obedient to his firm decree That he should not the apple taste Or out of Paradise must go. The serpent came and tempted Eve Who of that apple tasted; She then to Adam offered it And Adam of that apple bit And straitway out of Paradise Our God in Heaven sent them But not alone, for from his heart There streamed forth great compassion He sent the angel Michael To help mankind on Earth to dwell Until the day He'd send his Son
Whose love would fulfil everyone.
The Teacher: Child and Man I must now strive with right good will To do all that I can With the child that is before me And help him bring forth the man. And nearer perfection this will unfold If this striving teacher I am Can experience the child I once was myself Before conceptual life began. 10/26/05 |
(Fourth Grade includes helping the child experience at a deep level the theme of the following verse): The Importance of Parts A pack of cards that's missing one (Though fifty-one remain) Means all of those are not enough For playing every game. A jigsaw that is not whole, That has a missing part, Can't be completed, though hard you try Right from the very start. A minute is small part of a day But it in what you do Can make you feel so very sad Or happy the whole day through. And though I am myself a part And sometimes feel so small, My family, school, indeed the world Needs me to make it whole. (Fifth Grade and anticipating the move from imaginative life to conceptual life.) Imagine I swam in the water And O the fun! I shouted and splashed Everyone! Then I had to leave And O the fright! Of leaving the water So warm and bright. I grieved on the bank But O the thrill! To see what I saw In the water now still. I saw the creation Of God’s fifth day Silently move In their watery way. And then on the water O the surprise! Reflected am I To my wide-open eyes. I’m glad to be out now And able to see What while in the water Just couldn’t be. One day I’ll go back And O what fun When I share my adventures With everyone! (Fourth Grade, the teaching of "Man and Animal," and the uniqueness of the human hands.) Hands Dear God I thank Thee for my home Of earthly flesh and upright bone And for its form which is divine Because its form is just like Thine. And thank you for the way my home Is striving just for me alone, Except for hands that you made free, That I might give as you gave me. |
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Verses for and about Children (Waldorf Perspective.)
Introduction: I'm hoping that this small selection of verses from my teaching in Waldorf Schools will grow into a separate blog that will offer verses and plays from the grades one through eight as taught by a class teacher.
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