Light is the Body of Love The candles guttered then went out For the wax was all through impure, And cleansed from within all had to be That different its light than before. As each was cleansed each one was lit By the One called the Spirit most Holy, And single was the Light of all of them In which each was at one individually. And that Light is the Body of God’s own Son And in that Body alone can His Presence be won. 9/16/08 Filled to the Brim Cleansed were the vessels of old And emptied of all unclean By each and all who’d awakened from The age-old sleep and dream. Then filled were they to the brim once more With the Spirit most Holy, Love’s Body most pure. 9/16/09 Spirit Self Beholding I will to behold myself As the one who actively Is bringing forth the light in which Beheld in that light I can be. 9/16/09 |
Opportunity Buyers Each day they’re buying for us, (And paying for it with pain), A world that stays in balanced order So that from it we gain Untroubled time in which we can Choose freely ourselves to strive To waken our eternal Self While yet on Earth alive. We can then join the buyers all So we like them can be In that joy, we gain through pain, As one in the Love-Light Community. (Those who follow this know always Good Friday Is followed by the joy of Resurrection Sunday.) 9/21/09 Light The outer light leads To differentiation, The valid gift of Lord Lucifer; But darkened it becomes Electric separation In Ahriman’s realm of sub-nature. Inner light alone can from this set us free When we radiate as light self-consciously. 9/25/09 -9/15/09 |
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Light is the Body of Love
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11:01 AM
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